RSVP today for Kansas Trucking Industry Day at the Capitol
Kansas Motor Carriers Association members, staff and Kansas Road Team Captains enjoy dinner at Top of The Tower with members of the House and Senate transportation committees and Legislative leadership.
This annual event is an opportunity for members to get to know the legislators who shape transportation policy for the future of the state and for the legislators to hear firsthand the ups and downs of the trucking industry.
Legislative Day at the Capitol is free to attend for KMCA members but an RSVP is required to attend.
SCHEDULE OF EVENTS2:30 p.m. KMCA Board of Directors Meeting, Mary E. Turkington Conference Room, KMCA Building, 2900 SW Topeka Blvd., Topeka, KS. ALL KMCA MEMBERS WELCOME
6:00 p.m. Reception for members of the House & Senate Transportation Committees and House & Senate Leadership at Top of the Tower, 534 S. Kansas Avenue
6:45 p.m. Dinner for Legislators, KMCA members and guests
A block of rooms has been reserved at the Cyrus Hotel, Topeka, a Tribute Portfolio Hotel for 159.00 USD per night.
Last Day to Book: Tuesday, February 18, 2025.
Book your group rate for the KMCA Legislative Day HERE.